Shatavari Powder 130gm

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  • Enhances fertility
  • Boosts immune system
  • Treats PCOS
  • Regulates Hormonal Imbalance
  • Regulates Period Cycles
  • Healthy Ovarian Function
  • Antioxidants
  • Gross Weight. 130
  • Net Weight 100
Vendor: ChiltanPure
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Shatavari Powder 130gm - Mamasjan

Vendor: ChiltanPure

Shatavari Powder 130gm


Vendor: ChiltanPure

Shatavari Powder 130gm


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Note: Organic products can naturally attract bugs. To keep them away, tightly seal the jar after use and keep it in a cold, dry place.

It's tiresome to struggle with hormonal imbalances that disturb the moods and activities of women. The frustration is real when nothing works to cure PCOS, PCOD, endometriosis, irregular periods, and hormonal imbalances. Many women are seeking gynecologists and taking medications, but after some time the symptoms reappear, and now, after years of struggle, they are still facing the same issues: hair loss, facial hair, acne, weight gain, stress, brain fog, and infertility.
However, have you ever tired of inculcating herbs into your diet to reduce the extreme symptoms?
Try Shavatari powder, known as the roots of the Asparagus racemosus, which is considered the "Queen of Herbs" and is used in Ayurveda as a herbal health tonic and general herbal medicine. It is used to treat women's fertility, regulate periods, cleanse blood, balance hormones, regulate estrogen production, and restore feminine energy.
Chiltan pure shavatari powder will help to regulate your menstrual cycle and to keep your ovaries healthy to promote better reproduction and fertility. In ancient times, women used to eat healthy and nutritious food, wake up early, and sleep on time, and most importantly, instead of supplements, they used to take herbs and supplements in their routine.
In this fast-paced world, women have other responsibilities to tackle. Keep this in your bag and keep it in front of your eyes in the kitchen, or keep it with Saheli PCOS Powder so both herbal female reproductive health-related supplements remind you to take care of female health. 
Heal naturally and embrace femininity.
Get delivery in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, and across Pakistan.

Pregnant women should avoid this.
If you have kidney stones and allergies, avoid them.
Consult your healthcare professional before use.

sehtaveri powder  shavitiri powder / shetaweri / new-arrivals*shatavri / shetawar / shavitari powder / shtwari / shtwari pow / stavri po / shatvaripowder  / shtarwari / shtarwari

Regulates estrogen and prolactin production

Shavatari contains phytoestrogens compound that promotes the production of estrogen and balances the level of estrogen in the female body, which naturally reduces the symptoms of PCOS, PCOD, and endometriosis such as hair loss, stress, depression, and weight gain. Moreover, it increases the production of lactation in breastfeeding mothers.

Promotes Health Ovaries

Ovaries are responsible for producing eggs in the female body. Due to hormonal imbalances, women face issues like early menopause, poor egg production, irregular periods, etc. Shavatari promotes better egg quality, boasts fertility, prevents premature egg rupture, and promotes a healthy reproductive system.

Enhances Fertility

When egg quality is improved, women can easily perceive, and there is no longer an issue left of infertility, miscarriage, etc. It supports health evolution and balances women's mood swings and stress as well.

Helps to balance hormones

Poor diet, bad sleeping patterns, and junk food are the root causes of hormonal imbalances, as they defy nature. Women's bodies need more rest than men. Shavatari powder naturally improves estrogen production and balances hormones.

Promotes digestive health

Due to hormonal imbalances, women face abdominal cramps, inflammation, and bloating. Shavatari powder reduces the worst symptoms of all hormonal diseases and promotes healthy ovulation, better egg quality, regulates periods, and prevents early menstruation.

Take 1 teaspoon with lukewarm water twice a day.

Roots of shavatari plant

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